We are an International non profit and non governmental for development organization. We feel that world is a place without borders, without racial or ethnic differences. We feel world as a place where we can be different and diverse. We want to use our energy to fight for our causes, and empower young people to move the global society in a new direction, and promote human rights, equality, social inclusion, citizenship and knowledge.
Our Activities Plan for 2017-2027 is the result of 10 years of pilot projects, positive experiences, success stories and also some frustrated projects. All this work allowed to test some organisational concepts and laid the basis of the work that we are currently developing, and especially, what we are preparing for the future. Through these projects, we seek to empower young people with tools that help them understand the functioning of society, but above all, give them the possibility to influence the decision-making process and even take part in it. We also want to break with the generalized idea – and growing trend – that accessibility to political participation depends heavily on family conditions. We want to promote the integration of young people who tend to have less access to these initiatives, and consequently contribute to the reduction of inequality between social classes.
As an institution for young people, we believe our work is an essential factor to foster not only the involvement of the younger generations but the change and acceleration in the discussion and implementation of policies that strengthen our global society as well. This society must be based on a democratic regime, based on humanitarian values and full respect for Human Rights, freedom of expression, critical thinking and equality in all its aspects.
Adding to this Youth participation and turnout in elections is reaching new low levels and, according to the Eurobarometer, 79% of young Europeans between the ages of 15 and 30 do not consider the possibility of applying for an election during their lifetime. Eurobarometer 2 data from 2013 reinforces this idea: 23% of young people who participated in at least one associative activity consider the possibility of being candidates for an election. At the same time, only 14% of the young people, without any associative participation, were willing to apply.
Therefore, it is essential to create opportunities that enable young people to access experiences that bring them closer to active participation and critical thinking about our societies, in order to stimulate the participation of young people in the democratic life.
As Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful tool we can use to change the world.”

Nadya Kandakova
President of the European Board & Germany Delegation Manager

Cláudia Lancastre
Vice-president of the European Board & UK Delegation Manager

David Cardoso
Vice-president of the European Board & Portugal Delegation Manager

Ana Catarina Caldeira
European Secretary-General

Léa le Guernevé
France Delegation Manager

Evelyna Kosti
Greece Delegation Manager

Zsuzsanna Szili
Hungary Delegation Manager

Jean-Marc Tshona
Norway Delegation Manager

Sylwia Behrendt
Poland Delegation Manager

João Santos
Spain Delegation Manager

Debora Cap
Italy Delegation Manager
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