European Voluntary Service

     The European Voluntary Service is an European mobility project targeting young people between 17 – 30 years within the Erasmus+ Youth in Action program. An EVS project is an opportunity for young people to travel and to live abroad from two weeks to twelve month. Youngsters contribute with their time and energy by supporting local projects, initiatives and communities.

The European Voluntary Service is an inter-cultural and non-formal learning experience where volunteers develop skills in a foreign country. A pilot project was launched by the European Commission in 1996 due to a strong demand by the society – the results show that EVS is a relevant policy in order to approach new challenges, to promote active citizenship, improve social cohesion and facilitate the transition from youth and adulthood. Taking into account the format and methodology, the European Voluntary Service helps addressing topics such as social exclusion and marginalization, criminality, intolerance, xenophobia and racism.

Considering how EVS is able to foster a sense of global identity and citizenship, Young Educators quickly decided to get involved. Since we are a certified EVS organisation, Young Educators is able and responsible for sending and receiving participants related to programmes in which we partner. Currently we are developing some initiatives of our own; however, this can be boosted if we celebrate new partnerships and reach new audiences – do you have some ideas or are you interested in participating? Let us know!